Melania Trump Reportedly Didn't Think Donald Trump Would Win Presidency

Melania Trump Reportedly Didn't Think Donald Trump Would Win Presidency

Melania Trump apparently had some doubts if her husband, Donald Trump, would actually win the 2016 Presidency.

According to a new report, the 51-year-old former First Lady wasn’t as supportive as many think of Donald‘s campaign.

Click inside to read more about what happened…

According to former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, one of the former attorney’s for Donald, shared that Melania didn’t have a lot of confidence in his first campaign.

While speaking to Insider as part of its sweeping oral history of how Trump ultimately took over the Republican Party, Michael said that “Melania played a very limited role during the campaign not believing Donald would actually win. However, when directly asked for her opinion on a matter by Donald, she offered it readily.”

In another claim, former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, said that Melania did agree with some of Donald‘s more controversial ideas, including his statement where he said that late Sen. John McCain was not a war hero.

In 2015, while campaigning in Iowa, Trump said of McCain — who spent five-and-half years in a North Vietnamese prison while serving as a Navy pilot —

“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured,” Donald famously stated during a campaign stop in Iowa.

Corey shared that “we had a whole day planned in Iowa that day. I remember it very vividly. I waited for Mr. Trump to walk off the stage, and I said, ‘I’d like to speak to you.’ … And I said: ‘Sir, by all accounts, John McCain is a war hero. You need to apologize.’ He said, ‘Yeah, no apologies.’”

He continued on, saying that after flying back from Iowa to “New Jersey, and this guy Dave picked us up in the car and we drove over to Mr. Trump’s home. As we walked in the door, Mrs. Trump was waiting for us. She said: ‘You’re right. John McCain isn’t a war hero. What he has done for the veterans has been shameful.’”

Representatives for Melania told People that Corey‘s statement was “inaccurate.”

“This story is inaccurate. Mrs. Trump respects and values all service men and women who have served and are currently serving our great Nation,” her office stated.

Just recently, Melania was seen out with her extremely tall son, Barron.

from Just Jared

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