Mila Kunis Expresses Regret Over What She Once Asked Ashton Kutcher To Do

Mila Kunis Expresses Regret Over What She Once Asked Ashton Kutcher To Do

Ashton Kutcher revealed last week that he had a ticket to go to space on an upcoming flight, but his wife Mila Kunis, asked him to sell his ticket after having children together.

Now, Mila is speaking out about the decision.

Click inside to see what Mila Kunis said…

“We get together nine years ago and he was like, ‘I have a ticket to go to space.’ I was like, ‘Oh, okay.’ I was like, ‘That’s fun, have fun,’” Mila recalled to People about Ashton first telling her.

“Years goes by then all of a sudden we have a baby and he’s like, ‘I’m going into space.’ And I was like, ‘That’s irresponsible, you cannot have… This is not what you do. You are a father,’” Mila remembered telling her husband. “I was all so hormonal and I was like, ‘You can’t, you’re going to die. The thing’s going to explode and you’re going to die — and you’re going to leave me with the babies.’”

“Being the sweet man that he was,” Mila added, saying her husband then declined his ticket and sold it.

She then revealed how she feels about the decision now.

“I know I hate it,” she said. “Also I’m such [Star Trek fan]. The fact that I didn’t let him go into space was so selfish of me, but I was a new mom and I was like, ‘You can’t leave me and the babies.’ And so that’s where that decision was made out of.”

“I want everybody to know I probably would have let him to go to space now, but now it’s too late,” she continued.

Ashton and Mila went viral this week for a completely different reason. Find out why they’re making headlines for a viewpoint they share…

from Just Jared

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